ISDC 2005 Speakers

The following people have agreed to speak at this year's ISDC:

Government Space | Private Space | Visionary Space | Benefits of Space Exploration

Government Space:

The Hon. Norman Y. Mineta
Secretary, Department of Transportation
Rear Adm. Craig E. Steidle, USN (Ret.)
NASA's Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems
Dr. James Garvin
NASA Chief Scientist
Dr. Adena Williams Loston
Chief Education Officer, NASA
The Hon. Robert S. Walker
Chairman, Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates
Dr. Steven Squyres
Principal Investigator, Mars Exploration Rovers
Dr. Robert Mitchell
Program Manager, Cassini
Frederic Nordlund
Head of Washington Office, European Space Agency
Yevgeny K. Zvedre
Senior Counselor, Space & Technology, Embassy of the Russian Federation to the United States of America
Mengxin Sun
First Secretary (Science and Technology), Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the USA
Kiwao Shibukawa
Director, Washington DC Office, JAXA
Dr. Paul Spudis
Senior Scientist, Applied Physics Laboratory; President's Commission on the Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy
Dr. John Logsdon
Director, Space Policy Institute, and Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, George Washington University
Patricia Grace Smith
Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, FAA
Brant Sponberg
Program Manager, Centennial Challenges, NASA
Lindley Johnson
Program Manager, Near Earth Observation Program, NASA
Graham Gibbs
Counsellor, Space Affairs, Canadian Embassy
James D. Burke
Senior Member, Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; former Ranger project manager
Gerald Holzmann
Principal Computing Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Private Space:

Burt Rutan
President of Scaled Composites and designer of SpaceShipOne
Will Whitehorn
President, Virgin Galactic
Elon Musk
President, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
Jim Maser
President and General Manager, Sea Launch Company LLC
Lon Levin
Vice President, Corporate and International Planning, Mobile Satellite Ventures
Jim Benson
Chairman and CEO, SpaceDev
Dr. Peter Diamandis
Founder and Chairman, X PRIZE Foundation; Chairman and CEO, Zero Gravity Corporation
David Gump
CEO, Transformational Space LLC
Eric Anderson
CEO, Space Adventures
Armand Musey
President, Near Earth LLC
Stephen Attenborough
Vice President of Astronaut Relations, Virgin Galactic
Dr. Brad Edwards
President/Founder Carbon Designs, Inc.
Rich Pournelle
Director of Investor Relations, XCOR Aerospace
Alan Ladwig
Manager of Washington Operations, Space Systems Business Development, Northrop Grumman
Pat Bahn
CEO, TGV Rockets, Inc.
David Anderman
Chief Operating Officer, Constellation Services International
Chuck Lauer
Co-founder and Director of Business Development, Rocketplane Ltd.
Bob Richards
Director of the Space and Atmospheric Division, Optech

Visionary Space:

Hugh Downs
Chairman, Board of Directors, NSS
Rusty Schweickart
Apollo 9 astronaut; Chairman, B612 Foundation
Gen. Robert Dickman, USAF (Ret.)
Executive Director, AIAA
Dr. R. Paul Butler
Staff Scientist, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Dr. Robert Zubrin
President, The Mars Society
Dr. Bruce Betts
Director of Projects, The Planetary Society
Dr. William Gutsch, Jr.
President and CEO, Challenger Center for Space Science Education
Mark Jannot
Editor-in-Chief, Popular Science Magazine
James Zimmerman
President, International Astronautical Federation
Lon Rains
Editor, Space News
Dr. Leik Myrabo
Professor of Engineering Physics, RPI; CEO, Lightcraft Technologies
Esther Dyson
Editor, Release 1.0; Former Chairman of the ICANN Board
Brig. Gen. Simon "Pete" Worden (USAF, Ret.)
Former Director of Transformation at the Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base
Rick Tumlinson
Co-founder, Space Frontier Foundation
Dr. Roger Launius
Chair, Division of Space History, National Air and Space Museum
Tom Rogers
Chairman, The Sophron Foundation
Steve Durst
President, Space Age Publications
Inge Heyer
Space Telescope Science Institute
Dr. Brian Marsden
Director, Minor Planets Center, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
William Burrows
Professor, New York University; Author, This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age
Dr. Patricia J. Arnold
Vice President, Education & Workforce Development, Space Foundation
Anthony Duignan-Cabrera
Editor, and Ad Astra magazine
Dr. Mike Duke
Director, Center for Commercial Applications of Combustion in Space, Colorado School of Mines
Robert Strong
Director, SMART Center, West Liberty State College, West Virginia
Joshua Neubert
President, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) USA
Ben Shelef
Founder, The Spaceward Foundation
Scott Mize
President, Foresight Institute
Derek Webber
Leading authority on space tourism; Director, Spaceport Associates
Keith Cowing
Co-author, New Moon Rising
Frank Sietzen
Co-author, New Moon Rising

Benefits of Space Exploration:

Becky Cross
Founder, The IGNITE Foundation, Inc.
Scott A. Dulchavsky, M.D. Ph.D.
Roy D. McClure Chair of Surgery, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Janis T. Eells, Ph.D.
Wisconsin Distinguished Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Peter Freer
Chief Executive Officer, Unique Logic + Technology, Inc.
Ms. Petra K. Harvey
12th Grade Student, SHARP Program, Maury High School Norfolk, VA
Adam M. Kissiah, Jr.
Aerospace Technologist/Launch Instrumentation Systems Engineer (Retired), NASA
Alissa Kuseske
Fifth Grade Educator, Crossroads Elementary Science, a NASA Explorer School
Saralyn Mark, M.D.
Senior Medical Advisor, NASA & Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health
Ronald C. Merrell, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Professor of Surgery; Director, Medical Informatics and Technology Applications Consortium (MITAC)
Andrew A. Monjan, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Chief, Neurobiology of Aging Branch, National Institute on Aging
Benjamin J. Neumann
Deputy Director, Exploration Systems Research & Technology Development, NASA
Joseph A. Resnick, Ph.D.,
Chief of Science and Technology, NxGenBodyArmorUSA Corporation
Dr. Howard Ross
Deputy Chief Scientist, NASA
Dr. Frank Schowengerdt
Manager, Innovative Partnerships Program, NASA
Kimberly Moody Urquhart
President, The Sarah Moody Foundation
Mrs. Joyce L. Bach-Bowen and Brody Bowen

Check back regularly as additional speakers are added!
