Conference Theme: “Your Ticket to Space”
Space exploration is undergoing a renaissance, with private companies breaking down barriers to citizen space travel and participation, and NASA and other international space agencies heading back to the Moon and on to Mars. At this amazing moment on the cusp of a new century, do you have Your Ticket to Space?
ISDC ’05 will bring together the pioneers who are building this new world of space. You’ll hear from the people who are designing the future today, people like Burt Rutan, designer of SpaceShipOne; Admiral Craig Steidle, the leader of NASA’s exploration efforts; Peter Diamandis, the founder of the X Prize—and many, many more.
A sustainable space future will require a healthy relationship between private and government efforts. Infrastructure must be built, new spacecraft designed, and new habitats for extended stays developed. Equally important is sustaining public support—providing value by creating benefits that improve life on Earth, and promoting awareness of those benefits. It is an exciting vision, and it is happening now.
The public is becoming engaged in space in fundamentally new ways. Via the Internet, you can download the latest pictures from Mars at the same time as scientists around the world. Real time space exploring—virtual space exploration—is a new reality. Personal spaceflight is just around the corner, with Virgin Galactic and other space entrepreneurs preparing to sell tickets on entirely new fleets of vehicles.
Join us in Washington this May for a conference that will capture the excitement of this new era in space, ignite your inspiration, introduce you to spaceflight’s new leaders, and give you the latest news and sneak previews—direct from the frontier. Buy your Ticket to Space today, and Ad Astra!